
Showing posts from July, 2021

Scribbles #1

I keep on scribbling now and then, here and there. I know these can't be considered as full story or poem but I think sometimes it's okay to post them raw, as they've been written, flawed, incomplete. I'm leaving you with this kind of piece, hope you'll like it. With Love.  As I enter the room door I feel someone shuts the door behind me Whenever I turn back to see There's no one How could that possible if I feel the presence  of someone, presence of human But where is he! or she...  Unknown arms embrace me  so hard I start to suffocate  I wish to cry  Try to ask for help But my voice deceives me  My hands fall numb  Feet are paralyzed Sun has reached the horizon The unknown arms aren't ready to leave me I've stopped trying  It's ease now  I'm enjoying it  Soon with slumber  will come to me with fairies  and take me to the clouds on hthe higher world.


 I was lying under the winter sun on a charpai (cot/ traditional bed). Thinking about random things my eyes suddenly met with spotted owlet who was also staring back with full intensity. Earlier I used to think it lives alone here. But after witnessing the pair once or twice I came to believe that no one can survive here alone. It's the rule of nature.  But the stare of owlet felt spooky even in broad daylight. Bamboos were dancing with the wind true to their nature making an occasionally loud noise. And here this owlet instead of looking for its food was staring at me.  Being a person who can easily avoid eye contact with anyone was feeling difficult to avoid those round black eyes. They seemed like two black dots on yellow balls. 'Why is it staring at me? I haven't intruded into its personal space. Is it the same owlet whom I hit with a small pebble when I was 8? How come I remember this detail? Is it possible that these eyes are hypnotizing me to remember everything? Sho


The deserted land once dreamt about having flowers where the water flows  Birds fly up and below Alas! No one goes near  the estranged place Scorching heat  burnt face When the mist of sand settles down Oasis is a mirage Humans are mere dolls and clowns The night spreads its gown Temperature descends Damned place  will swallow everything soon When the day of doom arrives dolls and clowns Rise Down  
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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