We don't cross the limits
How many times we refrain ourselves from saying our mind! Sometimes we don't want to displease others, sometimes we feel so bitter or sad about the thought that we just keep it in our hearts because we don't want to transmit our discomforts , anxieties in to others. I sometimes feel disturbed that what if someone get to read my personal stuff, we all does (what if they read our minds, what if they control and manipulate our thinking). When someone asks, we stop ourselves from writing/saying the original words and come up with the new sentence which have the same meaning to us but different to others. What a relief... But we may feel occasionally we have betrayed ourselves. We crave for truthfulness and feel helpless. This little poem addresses the same feeling which we all share mutually yet isolatedly... I want to write the exact thoughts come to me, but I can't All fights I fought The times I cried like infant. Pen stops working Mind shuts it's door Broken all ...