
Showing posts from November, 2020


I was sitting on the wooden roof of the cafe, trying to comprehend the meaning of my life. I heard a human voice from the sky and looked upward. While paragliding people looked like birds flying in the sky, as if they own the sky. As humans we always want to fly, free and wild. To break my chain of thoughts and to amuse myself, I started observing others in the cafe. A group of teenage girls was occupied in gossiping. "Why can't they just sit and enjoy the scenery? ", I remarked. A man in his early twenties, with a camera in his hands, was clicking pictures of hills. " A fine, sunny day to take pictures, but what's the use of beautifying something that is already beautiful? " I said in my mind, "But that's not of my concern. I'm doing the same thing here judging others and ignoring beauty. " I could feel the sting of jealous and contempt in my thoughts.  Mid day sun was up and it's warmth melted the snow settled in my heart. Two childre

Token of memory

I was lying on the bench with my head resting on your lap, when I captured this photo. It was the breezy noon of October.The aroma of tea from nearby tea stall filled our surroundings. The blue sky and the pale-green leaves of trees were making the view more beautiful. I mused how in childhood, we used these leaves as currency, which could buy every happiness in our small world.  The leaves were swinging along with the breeze. It seemed as if they wanted to flow with the wind. But they didn't not know that they wouldn't be able to go far after getting rid of the tree.  Only a few moments of flying in the air then they would fall to the ground and lose their being. I noticed one pale leaf was coming to us from its twig. But you held it in your palm before it fell and put it in one of the books that we had bought from the roadside stall.  I realised some leaves don't lose their existence but stay forever as a token of memory in the hearts of people, the way this photo will st


After being fed on silver spoon you talk about state of mind,  But do you ever realise the person out there can't even afford that?  The heaps of gold you waste  on your trash, and tag it as diamond,  I want to ask you when will you remove this humbug from your soul?  You say you own the light,   Oh thief you're the one who stole it  from the moth who flies around it during night.   You vaunt about your privileged fights,   but you're merely robbers  who rob the  fragile flower's   pride and rights.   
My photo
Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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