
Showing posts from October, 2020


Once upon a time,  in the barren land of my heart edifice of modesty was built.  I was asked to remain inside, to not cross the threshold.  A Wallflower creeped out  from the cracks of veins,  fed on my blood,  multiplied itself and spread  all over the place,  on every wall, roof and windowpanes.  Oh dear, for how long one could put the wilderness  behind the bars.  The roots had reached  below the substratum, Weakened were the walls now.  On one dark night,  thunder came to play,  Shocked were the walls,  took the roof away.  Walls fell down,  There came light,  Rainbow smiled,  Wind blew calmly Flowers grew happily ever after.   


With the rising ache in my heart,  I hear the sound of termite who is hollowing my tree,  slowly and slowly it would turn into unburnt ashes.  Half of the ashes would flow with the blowing wind,  settle on the doorsteps and crumbled window panes of my dear,  Hence gives the last message of fallen tree.  Remaining ashes would submit themselves to the soil and there lies a skeleton filled with worms and ants.  Finally, the tree isn't lone  anymore.   


 Every morning I wake up with a dead dream in my head,  The ghost of separation haunts me,  and has trapped me in its web.  I can't clearly see its face,  there's only sound,  Laughs over me and says Your love is merely a game of lost and found,  where you only lose,  to break your heart again and again,  to smear yourself in grey and blue.  And I'll keep haunting you,  because I'm a part of you,  I'm you. 
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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