
Showing posts from April, 2020


Walking alone in this night, Staring at the sky, My heart seek freedom, from the constant fight of my emotions, In the lake of stars, rage and hatred had left the dark scars, Moon peeps above from the trees, tells me the matter of fact, after the night Love shall win the war.


These are the late hours of night, And I'm still awake,  Wondering about my identity,  With the ticking of clock,  My heart quakes,  Agitated by the scruples,  Like the ripples  in a peaceful lake.  Seeking the interpretation of my existence,  Real and fake,  For the mirror and the world,  I'm just a young bird,  ready for first flight,  whose life is on stake. 

Little black bird #2

The companion of my evening walk, comes and sits beside me... Today, he is free and I can't resume my walks. So I'm sending my message to you through him...  You fly from tree to tree,  So cheerfully and lively  Oh! Little black bird you are free.  Today when the roads are closed,  Borders are sealed,  You still can fly  to the beautiful places of the world,  And here we are, locked !  If you are going so far,  In your way, there's a place,  where resides my friend,  who is going through terrible phase.  Tell him, don't lament in this deadly darkness,  Soon, the breeze will sooth our pain The sun will rise again.


Barred the door of my soul,  No one could enter,  Distorted shadows on the wall and the feelings tender.  Tired of hearing the flashy words  from the venomous hearts,  Cause of every misery,  Teared my courage apart.  It's easy to say,  You never squealed, But the wounds you had left, can never be healed. 

Tiny~little things #6

Take off the shield that you use to hide your real self from the outer world,  I'm you, you are I, so why this hesitation my beloved,  Come and dissolve in me like the rainwater in the sand...
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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