
Showing posts from August, 2019

Tiny~Little Things #3

Path may be covered with Snow and Haze, May be slowdown your pace, But at the peak there is sun, Spreading it's warm rays. ~ Just Keep Going...

Devil and I

I met devil last night, Killed my innocence, That green-eyed. The fire of anger The heart blazing with hatred, Burnt my soul  Make me naked. Derailed my life Tore my dream, That devil was no one  Other than me.

Tiny~Little Things #2

Let’s go back to the time where you and I catch dragon flies 🌿 ~Childhood

Realm of Love

Lost in the realm of love One finds the eternal peace , Freedom from every bondage And the obligations cease. Like a twilight moon Love steps in our lives, Angels sing song of love Dance along with the fireflies. Lovers lost themselves Just like  rivers after meeting with sea, Get Ecstasy Like the caged birds When set free.

Tiny~Little things #1

Starry sky Moonlit night You, me and Our endless talks. ❤
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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